Sunday, September 13, 2020

Holistic Health Tune Up


The lymphatic system is one of the most overlooked yet significant systems in the body. This expansive system travels throughout the body to remove waste from every cell while helping to regulate the immune system. It includes a complex network of vessels, ducts, lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus, the adenoids, and the tonsils.

Lymph fluid is propelled by breathing and other muscle movements as it is transported through many filtration points known as lymph nodes. The lymph nodes contain collections of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that identify and help destroy harmful pathogens or toxins. The lymph must flow freely to ensure that waste products and fluids do not build up in the tissues.

The lymphatic vessels act like a giant drainage system for the body that needs to stay clear for it to work properly. Just like in your home if the drains are clogged in your toilet or sink, you can’t get rid of waste effectively—the same is true for your body. Stagnant lymph flow leads to waste and toxin buildup, weakening immunity and leading to a wide variety of health issues.














2. STAY HYDRATED.                                              3. INCORPORATE RED AND RAW FOODS.     
4. MOVE YOUR LYMPH NATURALLY.               

Almost every part of the body can be affected by poor waste removal in the lymphatic system. When your lymph drains become congested you may notice:

  • The lymph must deal with the body’s “waste products” that are produced internally like dead cells as well as toxins that are introduced from the external environment. Systemic inflammation creates congestion and swelling in the tissues, which impairs lymphatic flow. Oxidative stress damages the lymph vessels and breaks down their ability to effectively transport lymph fluid and wastes.

    Therefore, it is important to reduce your exposure to chemicals in food, air, personal care products, and water while increasing your intake of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients to prevent damage. Opt for an organic, anti-inflammatory diet filled with green leafy vegetables, cruciferous veggies, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbs and spices like ginger, turmeric, and garlic. Avoid processed additives, chemicals, and artificial ingredients.

    Lymph fluid is about 95 percent water and becomes thicker and less fluid when you are dehydrated. In fact, one of the most common causes of lymph congestion is dehydration. Stay well-hydrated by sipping warm purified water throughout the day to help keep your lymph flowing well. Avoid sugar-laden soft drinks, processed juices, sports drinks, and alcohol, which add an additional metabolic burden on the body as well as too much caffeine, which dehydrates the body.

    A sluggish digestive tract also congests the lymphatic system. Ayurvedic medicine teaches that naturally red foods like berries, pomegranates, cherries, cranberries, and beets keep the lymph moving freely. Beets are particularly valuable as they help thin the bile for healthy fat digestion, scrub the intestinal villi where the lymphatic vessels originate and help keep the lymph flowing. Incorporating raw foods into your diet is another way to keep the lymphatic system healthy. The naturally occurring enzymes and bioflavonoids in raw fruits and vegetables help to break down toxic buildup and free radicals while fiber promotes regular elimination and cleansing of the intestinal villi to keep the intestinal lymphatic system healthy.

    The lymphatic system does not have a built-in pump like the heart, which propels blood through the circulatory system, where it gets oxygenated, filtered, and circulated. Therefore, the lymphatic system relies on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles and joints to move the lymph. The rhythmic tensing and relaxing of the muscles during physical movement wring out the tissues and propel fluid through the lymphatic channels.

    Laughter and deep breathing involve movement of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles that help push lymph through the vessels. Dry brushing and lymphatic massage also help to support healthy lymphatic flow in the skin-associated lymphatic tissue. The coarse bristles of a dry brush encourage movement of the lymph and blood in the underlying tissues, which helps move out built-up toxins. Brush or massage your body gently, working toward the heart and paying special attention to the head, neck, feet, breasts and abdomen, where lymphatics are concentrated.

    Oxidation and lymph congestion increase when you are physically and/or emotionally stressed, so having an effective routine for coping with daily stress is key. There are many mindfulness practices to help you cope with the inevitable stress of life and minimize its effects on your lymphatic system, digestion, and overall health including meditation and spending time in nature. Having the ability to slow down, pause, and remain calm in the present moment can allow you to decrease stress. Practices like tai chi and yoga that coordinate the breath with movement can be especially effective at reducing the state of constant hyperarousal, which is detrimental to digestion and lymphatic health. When you learn to understand your emotions and responses to stress and adopt healthy ways to manage stress like those presented in my book The Whole Cure, your lymph and life will flow more smoothly.  When your lymph is flowing well, it will support natural revitalization and cleansing of your body. Follow these daily habits and exercises to naturally decongest your lymphatic system for vibrant skin, digestion, and health!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

 Asteroid History Lesson for your Synastry Chart Pleasures......

"Ceres connections in synastry can reveal how one person accepts (or doesn’t) their partner’s nurturing. “Nurturing” is defined as caring for someone, and fostering their growth. Ceres (or Demeter) is named after the Goddess of the crops. She had a daughter (Persephone) and they were close. So close, in fact, that Ceres never wanted to let her go. Then Pluto (or Hades) kidnapped Persephone and dragged her off to the Underworld. Ceres’ grief was intense. In retaliation, she denied mankind their food by making the crops wither and die; she was hurting, so everyone else would as well. A deal was eventually struck with Pluto, and Persephone was allowed to spend part of the year above ground, with her mother. This was when Ceres allowed the crops to grow. When Persephone spent the rest of the year below ground, the crops were dormant. So Ceres’ cycle of growth and loss reflects the cycle of life. In your chart, her sickle-shaped glyph describes how you handle that cycle.Aspects to Ceres between two charts will not make or break a relationship, but this asteroid gives insight into the intricacies of nurturing, separation and loss between two people."


 Human Design Projectors

      Our natural born and ideal leaders, carry the natural ability to recognize the potential and talent of other people and to be able to offer guidance to them. They also are incredible administrators, and knowledgeable guides that are truly needed for this modern day democratic world. Often they carry the Channel of the Alpha in their energy streams. 

Projectors are masters of reading and managing energy differently. Projectors have the talent of organizing others and have an inherent ability to understand others, hence knowing of how to bring the right people to the job to accomplish a specific task, and how to maintain harmony within the world. Thus boosting them up with excellent networking capabilities.

    Projectors have the most variation of inner authority that any other type of human being. 

  • Emotional Projectors

  • Splenic Projectors

  • Self Projected Projectors

  • Mental Projectors

  • Ego Projected Projectors

As a group they are all equipped to read and guide every variation of energy type.

    The Projector is a type that gets noticed. They are the most personal and up close type of human being. The Projectors aura is very focused on the other people that they meet, focusing on one person at a time. They do not focus on groups, instead they are laser focused on the person they have zoned into.

Their aura’s nature is to ‘project’ outwards towards other human beings, and they are ‘projected’ upon by other people.

    Projectors take in and reflect back other people's energy, and often amplify the energy they are processing. They often have many white (Undefined) centers in their BodyGraph, so of course this is the Projector’s Key to harnessing their own energies, and knowing oneself. When in a group, they may feel an energy dynamic of the group itself and not the Projector generating their own heightened energy. That pseudo-energy the Projector felt will disappear as soon as the energy types have left the group. This occurrence often leaves them exhausted.

Projectors may need a weeks-time to regenerate. They should try to unwind an hour earlier than they believe they should. They should also regenerate away from other human beings as often as needed to avoid taking in the other energies around them. Remember, our auric field extends atlead 3 meters around the entire circumference of our bodies.

Projector’s have the admirable quality of loving to jump in and try to help people without being invited. This is not how they honor their Strategy & Authority. In order to honor that, Projectors should “wait until you are recognized and invited.” Now some projectors are genetically coded via their auro to have other people recognize and approach them. This should signal them to wait for the right person to come along, often while they are relaxed and silent, their Projector aura does all the talking and brings the invitation of others. It is critical to wait for that recognition and the right invitation, this reduces the potential for incorrect decisions for a Projectors.

Now don’t take the “wait for an invitation” overboard and to any outlandish extremes. Just, for sure, keep it as a go to for any major turning points! These are the point where a Projector must honor their Strategy of waiting to be recognized and then invited, if they do so in their life, it will pay huge dividends for them.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Emotional Manifesting Generator Strategy & Response


Manifesting Generators and Emotional Authority

Our Strategy as EMG's is a 5 step process. 

First you must have something from outside yourself to respond to until that is the case you Wait for this to occur then you will have something for your Sacral to respond to, you may commonly know this is the uh-huh and uh-uhn! sacral response necessary for you to begin processing. 

Secondly you ride out the emotional wave. This requires letting the concept settle for a couple days to ensure that you response is certain and consistant. If the inquiry is going to require a lot of your time and energy, you are likely going to need to allow for more time to establish the correct emotional clarity about the situation. 

If you are getting consistant positive sacral responses then it's time for step 3. 

Third Re-Envision the action and ask yourself if it still feels like something you would like to do?

Fourth step is to inform anyone who will be affected by the action. 

Step 5 You proceed and Take Action


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Old souls

As old souls, we have unique outlooks and distinct personal formations. We differ enough from the norm that it can be hard to engage and understand us romantically.

Below are a couple of those differences. Keep in mind, that we are trying to be there for you, and that is equivalent to a promise to bridge any gaps in good time.
Here are the nine ways old souls express love differently!

Old Souls Look For A Person That Can Ground Us

WE get caught up in our imaginations and musings, very easily. We need someone that can gently remind us of our responsibilities and goals.
We can focus too much on the ideal product or abstract thoughts, ignoring the here and now. Having someone that we trust and that knows us well enough to pull us back to Earth a

We're Unconventional

We aren't tied down by normal societal traits, our search for the truth means we have different priorities than most.
With these different priorities, we use resources in ways that most never consider. Get ready to think outside the box.

Trust Our Instincts

We started learning at a young age, the deeper meanings of live and personal truths.
That coupled with the stored knowledge of our past lives mean that our intuition is rarely wrong. If we say we feel a certain way about something, take it under serious advisement.

We're Known To Brood From Time To Time

Normally seen as serious and reserved characters, we are definitely not pessimistic or moody. This brooding is usually disappointment.

We are disappointed in ourselves, humanity or groups of people. We see the possibilities in everything and get upset when people or institutions fall short of their potential.

Communication Is The Greatest Form of Intimacy

Hugging, sex and cuddling are cool, and we are definitely fans. However, hearing about your childhood, dreams for the future, fears and anything else that is unique to you, gets our goat.
You opening up to us and using your genuine voice to guide us is just about the most beautiful and sexy thing you can do.

Don't Try Too Hard To Impress Us

Be yourself and focus on your goals. Trying to specifically impress us is distracting and off putting. We end up wondering what you are trying to hide or compensate for.

We Can Be Difficult To Understand

We sometimes have a lot of self contradictory wants and methods.
For example: while we crave stability, we are trying to inject chaos and ensure room for spontaneous growth. Just show us your support and we will thrive.

There Are Times That We Will Isolate And Not Wish To Engage

Sometimes we will not want to hear about your day or wish to engage in social activities. It's no that we don't care, it's more we don't have the energy to participate fully.
We care too much and any unforeseen emotional content could send us off the end. Please take the rain check as a sincere promise.

We Don't Have Casual Encounters

We need and crave emotional content and genuine passion. You have to understand and truly care for a person for those formations to occur and be exchanged.

Friday, January 10, 2020

January 10th 2020

January 10th 2020
Feel the Full Wolf Moon vibrating radiantly in the sign of Cancer. Since there was no Cancer Full Moon in all of 2019, this one will be extremely powerful as the Universe showers in some much-needed Cancer energy. This Moon also coincides with an incredibly potent Lunar Eclipse which further amplifies that Cancerian energy and will be felt for quite some time to come. No matter what your Sun sign is, the Cancer energy raining down during this Full Moon will be felt deeply.

Resolutions, endings and new beginnings

Lunar Eclipses help to align us with the depths of the cosmos and the higher dimensions that extend all around us. This alignment will open a portal of accelerated energy that will help to move and shift things from our lives. It will serve to bring resolutions and endings to those things that we have outgrown as our consciousness has heightened.
Lunar Eclipses can sometimes feel harsh as we are asked to let go of those things that we weren’t quite sure we were ready to let go of. However, by releasing these things from our lives and illuminating the truth, the Universe is working to clear a path forward for us and helping to accelerate our soul’s journey. We are being given access to incredibly powerful energies that will help guide us through this next year and decade as we are showered in wisdom and clarity.
This Eclipse is connected to the Eclipse that we experienced in July 2019 so any themes or anything that is still unresolved from this time may come back to the surface. We are working to reset our emotions as we clear away the emotional baggage of the previous six months. 

Time to open our hearts wide open and embrace emotional sensitivity

This Cancer Full Moon will be emotionally charged and carries with it strong release energy. We will feel our emotions tenfold and in ways we never thought possible. Many people believe that they have to turn away from overwhelming emotions, but it is by experiencing these pulses in our beings to their fullest that we are truly able to get in tune with our souls and align with our Higher selves.
This Cancer Moon will face off against the Sun and four other planets that are all in Capricorn. This group of planets, all in one sign, form what is known as a stellium. Capricorn is thoughtful, logical, and practical and this stellium will try to pull us in order to reign in Cancer’s watery and emotional sensitivity. However, even with a stellium, Capricorn stands no chance against this powerful Cancer Moon ruling over our heart chakra.
The boundaries around our hearts will crack wide open as we let our heightened sensitivity and heightened emotions rule over us. We are being given the ability to practice heart activations. If you have been working on healing your heart, this powerful Cancer energy is here to help. It will allow you to open your heart center and channel the language of the Universe – love. We are reminded that there is not a single problem that cannot be solved with this divine power.

With this Lunar Eclipse opposite Mercury, we will face an internal conflict of polarizing feelings

This cosmic alignment stirs up emotional bias as we become quick to react to things that happen around us without taking the time to fully see the big picture. This can make it more difficult to understand and process our emotions as we jump between them quickly. The normal everyday problems that we typically have no trouble solving may become a struggle for us as we face this internal emotional turmoil. We may be quick to jump into an argument over a simple misunderstanding or may just feel more sensitive than usual to the world around us.
During this emotionally heightened alignment, it’s important to take the time needed to reflect. Try to understand and communicate your feelings to avoid conflict. Try to understand the way that your prejudices may influence your words or thoughts and make you say things you may later regret. This cosmic alignment makes it easy to speak and react instinctively, especially if you get upset or frustrated. The lesson here is to listen carefully, think before you speak, and take the time that is needed to make sense of any conflicted feelings that may arise. Talking to a friend or mentor can be a powerful tool for navigating your emotions during this time.

With the Full Moon opposite Saturn and Pluto, we face some more emotional legwork that must be done to help us move forward with clarity

This alignment can make negative emotions manifest outward towards those around you. If you feel bored, lonely, or sad during this cosmic alignment, you become more prone to bad moods and to lashing out at those you love. If you have a tendency towards depression in particular, you’ll need to work hard to make sure that the amplified energy of this Full Moon alignment doesn’t also amplify those feelings of sadness.
Any emotion that you feel during this time will be heightened to its maximum and its intensity can make it difficult to control your own behaviors and reactions. It becomes easy to fall into relationship drama as we feel ourselves experience an emotional rollercoaster from the highest highs to the lowest lows. While we must be cognizant of the Moon’s influence during this time, we can’t suppress or ignore our feelings.
We must feel every emotion deeply in order to find balance within ourselves. It is easy to shy away from our complex inner emotional lives, but our emotions are a response to the experience of life. By understanding our emotions and why we feel the way we feel, we can understand our deep personal truths and connect with our Higher selves and the highest Universal consciousness. We are being taught to understand ourselves at our most fundamental level so that we can move forward stronger than ever before. 
With the Lunar Eclipse trine Neptune, the Universe is communicating clearly with us that all we are going through, all the challenges we are facing, all the obstacles we are overcoming, are all helping propel us down our divine path. We are being showered in the greatest blessing of all – hope. We are on the cusp of revolutionizing our lives. Neptune is here to provide us with the inspiration and faith to keep us going on this path.
Practices like meditation and prayer will help us see past any turmoil we may face during this alignment and will keep our soul’s open to receiving the abundance that is to come. Meditation allows us to tune out the noise and confusion and reflect deeply on what it is that we are learning, what it is that we need to know to move forward. When you tune out the noise and converse with your soul, you become one step closer to enlightenment.When your faith begins to waiver, trust that everything will turn out exactly as it should.
This cosmic alignment is a heavy one and will work to set the stage for months to come. It combines with the December 25-26th Solar Eclipse to form an Eclipse phase that will linger until the following Lunar Eclipse on June 5th. 

The main focus of this Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse is on open & clear communication

This Moon may try to provoke feelings of coldness or ruthlessness. It may put us in the path of the harsh realities of bigots and bullies as they try to get a rise out of us. It may increase our emotional sensitivity and nervous anxiety as we try to navigate our everchanging feelings. However, the Universe is always by our side. If we didn’t have the tools to do so before, this Moon will give us everything that we need to move forward with clarity and confidence. It will give us the courage to speak our truth, speak up for ourselves, and speak up for those around us. Even in the face of obstacles, the Universe works to illuminate our path and point us in the right direction.
We are being guided to express ourselves without apology. We are being asked to open our hearts, get in touch with our wide array of emotions, and ultimately work on feeling at home just as we are within ourselves. Every emotion that we experience serves a purpose, allowing us to learn and grow. Each feeling leaves us with profound insights, a deep understanding of self, and heightened consciousness.
After missing out on a Cancer Full Moon in 2019, we may have forgotten the depths that our emotions can reach and the rich diversity that they bring. This Moon is here to allow us to get back in touch with our emotional selves. This Cancer energy is here to remind us not to shy away from our emotions but instead to embrace and understand all that they conjure.
Emotions are not weaknesses. They are one of our most powerful resources that help to align us with our soul destiny, advance our spiritual journey, and accelerate us higher than ever before. While the wide array of emotions we may experience during this cosmic alignment may be a jarring experience, it is only by experiencing and understanding our emotions that we can connect with our true selves. Make sure to be gentle with yourself during this Full Wolf Moon. Take the time that you need for self-care and comfort and trust that the Universe is working to align everything in your favor.
We are being guided on a divine journey to understanding ourselves and understanding our soul’s path and we have never been more ready. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

North and South node Pisces/ Virgo

North Node and Soul Purpose/ Potential 
Soul Node represents our comfort zone within our personality and skills and abilities we have mastered.
This Series of blog entries will discuss in detail North node traits and South Node traits in order to help guide one to a better idea of how to Align oneself with their potential and purpose in this lifetime.

We will also discuss the house placements ot the North Node and how this will manifest on a particular area. 

If you are unfamiliar with North and South nodes of the moon. This is where the moon's ecliptic was pierced at the time of your birth. Your north node and south node are exact opposite each other. When looking our natal birth chart wheel we would see these on opposite sides as well. 

Each Sign represents archetypes or universal qualities astrologically. Psychologically these could also be decribed as personality types.

The Person you are destined to be, and should strive to work on becoming is your north node. Although not all the parts of you, that are from the south node are unneeded in this lifetime, we are to move beyond that comfort zone and evolve. So don't go leaving your suit and tie with benefits to travel the world, or start your own business and selling all your assets to do it... just yet. You still have to do all the things, harmoniously with the universe, And that means you must carry healthy habits with you while gaining the new ones from your north node.

Let's Start
Pisces South Node: The Compassionate One, Mystic, Dreamer
Virgo South Node: The Server, Healer, Worker. The Humble One

As a Virgo South Node you may be a bit OCD, and a hard worker that is very detail oriented. When on the soul's mission you are going to want to put to rest these qualities:
The Need to be right all the time
Placing blame, being fussy,  or petty. 
Workaholic behaviors, Perfectionism, obsessiveness, 
Over Analyzing, or being too logical. 
Hypochondriac thoughts, and Melancholic Sadness
 Judgemental Behaviors

Now it must be said that you need to appreciate and accept these personality traits you have, and celebrate the skill that they have provided you with.  Embody the qualities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle but do not let them become you, or the center of your life. 

Live you life and do it on purpose!

Pisces North Node will have you stepping away from all that perfectionism and into the world of free expression. Connecting with all things mystical, spiritual and divine.

In an effort to align with the mission of the Pisces North Node you'll want to
eliminate criticism and judgement.
 Let go of control and rigidity, and go with the flow. 
Meditate, and connect with your guides. 
Have a regamind the keeps you aligned spiritually. 
Have faith in the unknown
Live at times without structure
Open up to the beauty of the World and those who are in it. 
Joining the Physical Expression of Love with the Psyhsical. 

These traits will also help one align with their mission as a Pisces North Node:
Charitable giving

If your North Node is the following house, you will find that your true alignment with manifest in this manner.

1st house : The mission is independence. the resource is your close relationships.
2nd house: The mission is Security. The resource is how you access what others have.
3rd house: The mission is to Spreak Up. The resource is  knowledge and education. 
4th house: The mission is to find your home. The resource is your public social position. 
5th house: The mission is to be happy with yourself. The resource is your backup from friends.
6th house: the mission is to help yourself by helping others. The resource is having the resources
7th house: The mission is to become a spouse. The resource is you ability to be independent. 
8th house: The mission is to deal with others. The resource is what you have.
9th house: The mission is Knowledge from Education. The resource is your communication skills.
10th house: The mission is to be known. The resource is from your family.
11th house: The mission is to be part of a group. The resource is confidence in yourself.
12th house: The mission is to represent the down trodden. The resource in your ability to care for yourself. 

Advice for all the signs in regard to North nodes and South nodes.

Aries: The way of the sage is to act, but not to compete.”
 Taurus: “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
 Gemini: Respond intelligently, even to unintelligent treatment.”
 Cancer: “One can not reflect in streaming water. Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.”
 Leo: “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”
 Virgo: “Stop thinking, and end your problems.”
 Libra: “The best fighter is never angry.
 Scorpio: “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
 Sagittarius: Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.”
 Capricorn: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
 Aquarius: “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”
 Pisces: “Perfection is the willingness to be imperfect.”

Stay as we complete the Series of North Node/ South Node throughout the signs. 

North Node in Pisces

This is a quest for compassion and faith. You have a tendency to rigidly build structure, order and cleanliness in your own personal world and to become judgemental of others. This is blocking your understanding of your oneness with the universe. You need to develop spiritual understanding and learn to rely on your intuition.

Pisces in 5th House

You are creative and artistically talented. You enjoy music, dance, art, theatre - any pastime which is uplifting and helps you escape.

Sign: Pisces

Pisces is the12th and last sign of the zodiac and can be viewed as the most highly evolved of all the signs.  

It is not only the ultimate water sign (following Cancer and Scorpio), but is also ruled by the watery planet, Neptune. With Jupiter as its co-ruler it shares both expansive and mutable characteristics with Sagittarius. 

Pisces symbolizes the merging of the human soul with the Cosmos, a necessary step before the next incarnation may begin anew in Aries.  Pisces symbolizes a deep belief in the highest powers of the Universe.

The two Pisces Fish swim freely in the cosmic ocean. They represent the highest lessons of fellowship, but also the capacity to see deeply into the life and nature of things.  The Fish can submerge themselves in the depths and partake of hidden and ultimate mysteries.  Pisces teaches us not to be afraid to let go of our earthly form, and teaches that death is only the beginning of new life.

Pisces may be seen as an evolutionary stage between Aquarius and Aries that transmutes airy, detached, and eccentric energies into fiery, direct, and uncomplicated ones.

North Node in Pisces

This is a quest for compassion and faith. You have a tendency to rigidly build structure, order and cleanliness in your own personal world and to become judgemental of others. This is blocking your understanding of your oneness with the universe. You need to develop spiritual understanding and learn to rely on your intuition.

North Node in 3rd House

This represents a quest to understand interactions between people. You need to leave behind your varied belief systems of past lives and find a viable form of communication.

Line 6: Purpose - No Fixing

The energy to maintain the family is enhanced by recognizing its values.

Exalt-Master Venus: The gift of not only recognizing the inner meaning of the family but an appreciation for its values. The possibility of extending friendships through the appreciation of its value.

Detriment-Master Mercury: A need for diversity that may ignore the achievements of the family in favor of withdrawal. The need for diversity that despite appreciation will prefer casual friendships.

- Line Quality: Transition maturation with a perspective beyond the gate and circuit. The role model.

- Transition: 63.1 - Composure

South Node in Virgo


South Node in 11th House


Line 6: The One Night Stand - No Fixing

The tendency based on personality or circumstances to accept only temporary unions that may be otherwise impossible or dangerous to continue.

Exalt-Master Venus: The perfected relationship whether for a moment or an eternity. The power for intimacy regardless of conditions.

Detriment-Master Mercury: The basic drive to move on, that seeks impermanency as a matter of course and not in response to circumstances. The drive for sexual and intimate diversity.

- Line Quality: Transition maturation with a perspective beyond the gate and circuit. The role model.

- Transition: 40.1 - Recuperation

South Node in Virgo


South Node in 9th House


Line 6: Decapitation - No Fixing

The necessary destruction of inferior forces in positions of power before liberation can take place.

Exalt-Master Sun: The authority, coupled with the magnanimity to remove from power only those which deserve such drastic treatment. The power and authority of the ego to eject individuals in legitimate defense of the group.

Detriment-Master Earth: Exemplified by the terror of the French Revolution, where the idea of who was deserving of punishment was cruelly extended to an entire class. The distortion of the ego through power and authority.

- Line Quality: Transition maturation with a perspective beyond the gate and circuit. The role model.

- Transition: 64.1 - Conditions
